
Me Made May 2019

You didn’t think I’d forgotten about Me Made May, did you? Well I kinda had, but the flurry of posts surfacing this morning brought me back to reality. To be honest, I’ve got a million balls in the air at the moment, so my heart isn’t fully in it, but I can’t let the chance pass to participate in my seventh, yes, SEVENTH Me Made May. Can you believe it? My pledge way back in 2013 was to wear two me made garments a week, flash forward a few years and never a day goes by that I’m not wearing something me made. It sure is fun to look back and realize how many new types of garments I have learned to make!

Day 1: Cashmerette Ames Jeans, SBCC Harvey Shirt, Grainline Penny Raglan

That said, due to aforementioned balls in the air that are taking a lot of my emotional energy right now, I’m afraid my pledge will be rather lackluster (and I’m OK with that). As always, I would like to take this month as a chance to assess my handmade wardrobe and identify any holes I would like to fill. I’ve had a rather surprising shift in my wardrobe recently, in which I gave myself permission to purchase some leggings and bras, and I can’t tell you what a relief it was to take those off my to-sew list. My sewjo had disappeared as I kept procrastinating on sewing those two items, but it magically returned once I purchased them. I’m finding that recently I have more interest in re-imaging my wardrobe rather than focusing on undergarments, and I’ve decided to go with it since this is my hobby and its for FUN and shouldn’t be a chore. I haven’t been drawn to a lot of items in my wardrobe recently and I’m really feeling the need for more solid colors and layering pieces, so I am going to focus on that type of sewing for now. I only hope I can bring myself to part with my old items that I’m not wearing anymore when the time comes, because my closet is bursting!

The other, always present, factor is that sewing patterns don’t exist for the types of clothing I need for work, and Me Made May always brings this fact back to the forefront for me. It’s the start of the summer field season, and I end up wearing a lot more RTW than I would like, especially when everyone else is wearing their cute spring/fall dresses and I’m wearing RTW hiking pants. In the last year or two, some popular companies have expanded their outdoor-wear sizes, my favorite of which has been Prana (ya’ll, seriously, these Summit Pants are a dream). Its amazing to FINALLY be able to buy the types of clothes I need, and to be honest, if this resource had been available to me back in 2012, I may not have started on my wardrobe sewing journey. However, now that I have been sewing for several years, I can’t help but notice the fit issues in my RTW field clothes, and they bug me even more because its clothing that I wear all day in hot and sweaty conditions. So, the most specific question I would like to answer this Me Made May is if I’m happy with my current RTW options, fit issues and all, or if I am motivated enough to create a solution to my problem. Lets see how it shakes out!

‘I, Megan of The Green Violet, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May 2019. I endeavour to wear at least one me made item each day during May 2019. Additionally, as always, I will use this as an opportunity to reassess my wardrobe and examine the style change I’m currently being drawn towards.’ 

And if you’ve made it through all of that navel gazing, you deserve an award. I may post a wrap up over here, but if you would like the (somewhat) daily outfit posts, be sure to join me over on Instagram.


6 thoughts on “Me Made May 2019

  1. I’m always interested in reading about people’s relationships with their wardrobes, so no worries about ‘navel-gazing’! What kind of work do you do that takes you outside a lot?


    1. I agree, Lori, but I know not everyone does! I’m a geologist and do a lot of sample collection in the summer. We monitor stormwater run-off so we are out in the field every time it rains, plus more for equipment maintenance, etc.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. So while the rest of us head indoors when it rains, that’s when you gotta go out! I can see why you need some good technical clothing.


  2. While I have been sewing for myself for a couple of years I have been totally lackluster in picking what I want to sew. I usually get tempted by fun fabrics and make another shirt or dress. But I would love to hear your thoughts about putting together a full wardrobe and filling in holes because I myself don’t know where to start!


    1. hmmmmmm… me either!! Haha. But maybe I’ll have some hopeful conclusions at the end of the month. My biggest issue now is the fun fabrics- its hard to mix and match! I’m definitely working on more solids.


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