
Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Lozenge Wrap Dress

Here is my first project of 2019! Ok, so I sewed everything but the sleeve hems in 2018 and then finished those up on January 2nd, so I'm counting it. This was my fun, knit palate cleanser between Christmas sewing for others and some major pattern testing I committed myself to in January (stand by… Continue reading Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Lozenge Wrap Dress


Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Autumn Warmer Hoodie V2

Here it is! My second version of the Ottobre Magazine  “Autumn Warmer” Hoodie and I want to wear it every day! There isn't much to say that wasn't said in my first post about this pattern, so this will mostly be pictures. I was lucky enough to stumble upon this merino knit in my local(ish) fabric… Continue reading Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Autumn Warmer Hoodie V2