
Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Autumn Warmer Hoodie V2

Here it is! My second version of the Ottobre Magazine  “Autumn Warmer” Hoodie and I want to wear it every day! There isn't much to say that wasn't said in my first post about this pattern, so this will mostly be pictures. I was lucky enough to stumble upon this merino knit in my local(ish) fabric… Continue reading Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Autumn Warmer Hoodie V2


Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Autumn Warmer Hoodie V1

As soon as I started seeing previews for last fall's Ottobre issue, I knew that this "Autumn Warmer" hoodie would be first up on my list! Unfortunately, my issue got lost in the mail somehow and I had to painfully watch everyone share Instagram pictures of the magazines as they received them, while it became… Continue reading Ottobre Magazine 5/2018 Autumn Warmer Hoodie V1